‘ High cervical region, state of the art’ (ID nummer: 495754)

14 april 2023 15 april 2023
Av. du Laerbeek 103, 1090 Jette

ID-nummer: 495754

Opleidingsinstituut: Vlaamse Osteopathisch Verbond

- Dr. Kristof De Smet (UZ Brussel)  : radiology of the cervical spine 
Correlation between imaging and anatomy

- Dissection room: 3 work stations
A Neuro-vascular structures              Jona Van Den Broeck
B Visceral structures                          Jonathan Tresignie. PhD DO
C MSK structures                              Veronique Janssens PhD

- Prof. Dr. Moens  (UZ Brussel): Chirurgical approach of the (high) cervical spine
neuro-pathology: red, yellow, green flags for manual treatment

- Prof. Walid Salem PhD DO (ULB): Cinematics of the cervical spine
conclusions for manual treatment and techniques

- Postdoc. Kayleigh de Meulemeester PhD (UGent): Headache/migraine/tinnitus, is there an manual solution? 

- practical course   Stephen Sandler PhD DO (UK)

- HEADACHE:  Horton, migraine , tensionHA, Arnold neuralgie… differential diagnostics,  examination and treatment
- DIZZINESS : bppv , meniere , cervical fixation…. Differential diagnostics, examination and treatment
- NERVUS VAGUS : overview off functions, effects off hyper- and hypotonie
- TMJ: mechanical relation to the upper cervical region

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